Annual Conference, Oxford, Friday 2 May to Monday 5 May, 2014

The contributions to the Conference, loosely based on the topic “Evidence” were as follows:

Mrs Frances Kirkham - Tribunals as experts
Ian Salisbury - Excoriating the expert
Christopher Miers - Expert shopping
John Redmond - Equal treatment of witnesses
Tony Canham - Teasing out crucial evidence in document-heavy cases: proportionality, justice and economics
Philip Fidler - Distinguishing submissions from evidence in adjudications
John Sims - Does hot-tubbing need a protocol?
Simon Tolson - The short life of the jointly appointed expert

On the Friday evening, the Conference delegates and their guests dined in the Old Divinity School; on the Saturday evening at Oriel College. Papers are soon to be published for the benefit of members on the Publications page.